Workforce Transformation
Working with organizations and companies that desire to bridge the gap between the
marginalized job seeker and the employer, which creates a stronger community connection.
Transition to work training is a successful career development and placement program that
successfully bridges the gap between the job seeker and the employer. Hope Empowerment
Foundation works in conjunction with community agencies, employers and the job seeking
community in a way that allows deeper conversations about work and the expectations of the
employer. Bridging the skill gap can only happen when employers agree to employ job seekers
from all parts of the community. Low skilled job seekers are eager to work and gain experience
with the goal of improving their self-sufficiency.
Workforce Development
Building of a Successful Workforce Development “BASIC” training is developed with the
employer in mind. Its focus is the education and the skill set of the client and how to marry that
with the needs of the employer: how to meet them and create the best asset they can be for the
company. Relationships are vital to establishing community credibility, community engagement
and solutions to community improvement.
Transition To Work
We specialize in employment development for under-prepared inner-city residents. Our clients
are eager and ready to work and would welcome the opportunity to work with your company.
We understand what companies are looking for and each client is required to complete a 40-hour
job readiness program in addition to the six week workforce development training.
Age Friendly Engagement
Equal opportunity employment is the law. Diversity is not limited to race, gender,
sexual orientation and religion, but rather expanding that to include age and
community friendly initiatives. Hope Empowerment Foundation helps employers
create pathways for job seekers who have the need to return to the workplace after
Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity is more than opening opportunities not based on race, creed, sexual orientation and
religion. The pipeline from the community to the corporation includes employing those from
lower socio-economic communities, the reentry population and the “seasoned” job seeker.
Hiring From A Diverse Community Can Be A Challenge.
With the lower skilled disenfranchised and uneducated client, there can be many barriers –
transportation, child care, timeliness. Hope Empowerment Foundation creates a strong support
network for clients seeking employment from some of the most economically depressed
communities. We provide support, retention, coaching and are change agents for those wanting
to make a change in their lives.
Creating a diverse workforce creates community, increases communication, and
celebrates equality. Hope Empowerment Foundation supports each step of this
Seasoned Job Seekers
Retirement isn’t what it used to be. Older job seekers bring plenty of experience to the
workplace; however, there can be challenges to merging the boomer generation with the
millennial workforce. Boomers want commitment, longevity and relationships and millennial’s
are tech-savvy, socially lacking and change jobs every few years. Hope Empowerment
Foundation provides integration training that allows companies to blend the generations